Our History

We have been breeding and caring for Boykin Spaniels for over 30 years.

Our Little Brown Dogs

I am frequently asked if there is a connection between my name and the Boykin Spaniel. Indeed there is. My late husband Sam Boykin's uncle, "Whit" Boykin, developed the outgoing, easily-trained multipurpose retriever in the early 1900's. The little brown dogs' popularity in the dove field, their aptitude for water retrieving and their flushing abilities have made this South Carolina State Dog a welcome addition to homes and the hunting scene all over the United States and abroad.

Having been introduced years ago to these amazing little dogs by the Boykins of Camden, S.C., now home of the Boykin Spaniel Society, we have become increasingly dedicated to preserving the breed's integrity, original purpose and style and to offering to select individuals and families the opportunity to enjoy owning one of the most adaptable sporting dogs now in existence.

Katherine “Cissie” Snow, who owns Karma Farm Boykins in Taft, Tennessee, has been my good friend for over 30 years. In 2016 we decided to join forces to continue my passion and life’s work - breeding classic Boykin Spaniels.

Our Boykin Spaniel bloodlines ensure that our pups have strong hunting backgrounds, great temperaments and excellent conformation.

Cissie and I are Boykin Spaniel Society Gold Level Preferred Breeders and are committed to following the BSS Code of Ethics.

We have all the BSS recommended OFA and DNA testing done on our dogs of breeding age.

Our contract asks that new owners register his or her puppy with the Boykin Spaniel Society. Because of our love for our LBDs (Little Brown Dogs), we welcome any correspondence and look forward to updates and pictures of our Hunters Rest pups in their new homes!

“As breeders, we are committed to maintaining the high standards of the Boykin Spaniel Society Code of Ethics. New owners of Hunters Rest puppies may be assured that their puppy will be bred in strict accordance with practices carefully developed by those who love and treasure our ‘little brown dogs’.”

— Nancy Boykin & Cissie Snow

Our dogs are from old genetically sound, established hunting lines. The desire to hunt is bred into every pup. Their chiseled good looks along with rich wavy to curly coats insure that your next pup will be the true Boykin.
— Nancy Boykin & Cissie Snow